Laurel Attanasio Yoga

I revamped Laurel Attanasio’s website for her personal yoga business – giving her not only a brand new, relaxing theme across the digital experience; but also more organized way to publish content without managing everything manually and the drag-and-drop power of Elementor as well.

Laurel Attanasio Yoga

Tackling Pain Points

The previous site design developed some user pain points once her business began to expand in a virtual way in the midst of COVID. Users were having a hard time logging into online classes since she utilizes an external service, so I made sure to add a banner to the top for anyone coming to the site, but was looking for the online store. 

The retreats she offers were also not getting enough traffic, so I made sure to implement a rotating “featured” retreat on the homepage, as well as create a custom post type and query for retreats to be easily added and navigated through. This eased up the amount of sub-links in the main navigation, as well as make managing content for admins easier as well.